Collecting all the lyrics (even with the help of the web) for 1200 songs and then formatting them in a manner to fit all of them in a 300 page book is a rather Herculean task. (It is possible to "harvest" song lyrics off of Internet lyric websites but they often contain lots of errors and formatting problems when you do this.) This team worked on finding lyric sources, formatting them, proofing them and then researching sources (recordings & print sources) that could be listed under songs and later in our online song index. 

Johanna Halbeisen headed up this team including helping us contact songwriters to check the accuracy of their songs and coordinating work with lots of volunteers.

Eric Lerner created a special "macro" that converted song lyrics into the format needed for Rise Again.

Pat Lamana worked tirelessly on doing lyric formatting that wasn't handled by the macro, proofing songs & working on sources

Other volunteers that have helped with these tasks include:

Honey Nichols
Emily Owen
Bev Praver
David Thomforde

Chord volunteers often also caught and fixed lots of lyric mistakes as they worked on chords

See also the list of "Song Genre Experts" who helped check the accuracy of lyrics for specific groups of songs such as those in languages other than English.