Spotify is a great way to learn tunes. Download times tend to be quicker than on YouTube. Here's a list of Spotify playlist links for each chapter in the Rise Again Songbook:
- Ballads & Old Songs]
- Blues
- British Invasion & Rock (British rock artists/groups between 1960s & 1990's)
- Country
- Dignity & Diversity
- Dreams & Mystery
- Earthcare
- Faith
- Family
- Farm & Prairie
- Freedom
- Friendship & Community
- Funny Songs
- Golden Oldies (American popular song thru the 1950s)
- Good Times
- Gospel & Sprituals
- Healing & Letting Go
- Home & Roots
- Hope & Strength
- Jazz & Swing
- Love
- Lullabies
- Millennial Songs (alternative & indie artist from 1990s forward)
- Motown and R&B
- Musicals
- Old-Timey & Bluegrass
- Outdoors
- Peace
- Play
- Pub Songs
- Rich & Poor
- Rock Around the Clock (early American rock 'n roll thru 1963)
- Seas & Sailors
- Sing People Sing! (about singers & singing)
- Struggle
- Surfin' USA (American rock 1963-95)
- Time & Changes
- Travelin'
- Work
If you're a member of Spotify and you're logged in, the link should take you direct to the playlist. If you're not a Spotify member, the link will lead you to the form where you can sign up for membership - which is free (at least for now).
Hope you enjoy these songs.
-Joe Offer, Associate Editor-
Rise Again Songbook