Which way is the best way to give to you work?

We deeply appreciate support that is coming in via any channel, but here is some info that could help answer this question:

Monthly support via Patreon

      Pros: We can rely on a reliable stream of financial support for our work!
                You only contribute a modest amount each month based on your ability to contribute (which you can change at any time)

      Con:  5% of your gift goes to Pateron and 3-5% to the bank based on your monthly amount.   
                 Not tax-deductible.

Direct non-tax-ductible donations via our website:

  • If you give via the donate button or make a donation as part of an order on this site, the only fee is about 3% to Square for using the credit card.
  • In this case, your contribution is not deductible for tax purposes.

      Pro: More of money goes directly to our work.

      Cons: Not tax deduction for you. Standard bank fees of 3-5% if you pay via credit card.

Mailing us your donation as a check - made out to "Rise Up and Sing"  & mailed to 42 Jenks St, Amherst MA 01002.

       Pro: 100% of your donation goes to support our work (no fees to the bank, to Patreon, or to our fiscal sponsor). 

       Con: 55 cent stamp + an envelope

Tax-deductible contributions via our fiscal sponsor (CTA):

  • You can take a tax deduction for a charitable donation on your federal taxes for the full amount of your gift if you itemize deductions.
  • If you contribute to CTA with a credit card, the cost is 7% (4% administrative fee to CTA and 3% to Paypal.
  • If you mail a check made out to "CTA" either to us or to CTA (earmarked for us) then there is no Paypal fee, just the 4% admin. fee to CTA.
  • It is also possible to make donations to our work in the form of stocks. The full amount of the sale of stock goes to us less the 4% administrative fee. There are no capital gains taxes paid on the stock sale.

      Pro: Your taxes may be reduced if you are in a high tax bracket and itemize deductions.
      Con: (modest) admin. fee to fiscal sponsor. Paypal fee if you use a credit card.
           (Note: We suggest limiting this option to gifts over $100.)

If you receive royalties and sell your books, why are you fund-raising?

  • Donations enable us to expand our work 
  • We receive only small royalties for Rise Again and no royalties at this point for Rise Up Singing.

Is my contribution tax-deductible? 

  • No if made via Patreon or via the "donate button" in the store checkout page. 
  • Yes if made via donations via our fiscal sponsor CTA. See info here.

Thank you so much for any gift you give by any means and however small!