Many public schools have had to remove music classes because of budget cuts.
Many classroom teachers are working hard to integrate music into their curriculum. Rise Up Singing was designed to make it easy to find songs on a particular subject to assist in teaching. Rise Again will contain the same tools and be supplemented by the forthcoming online song database on this website.
Annie Patterson discusses use of music in schools
Annie & Peter are available to do concerts and other programs in schools.
Studs Terkel, author of Working. called Rise Up Singing: "the best, most exhilirating and glorious history of the United States: a singing history. It is moire than a lovely songbook - it is a play-work-fight-freedom hymnal."
There are many hundreds of musicians that do programs in schools all the time. A great resource for work with children and for finding musicians to work in schools is the Children's Music Network.
A few of musicians doing this that we have worked with personally include:
Peter Alsop - a psychologist and musician who often does workshops for educators and parents
Cathy Fink & Marcy Marxer - delightful fun-filled program for a wide range of kids
Bill Harley - storyteller & musician. Featured for many years on NPR.
Kim & Reggie Harris (special emphasis on Underground Railroad and US Civil Rights/Freedom movement)
Charlie King - developed with his recently deceased partner Karen Brandow terrific multimedia historical programs integrating song and slides on the Great Depression, World War II, Civil Rights Movement, Lawrence Textile Strike and many other critical historical periods.
Magpie (special emphasis on programs relating to earthcare and to history)
Sarah Pirtle - world-renowned songwriter and educator. Founder of the Discovery Center and empowerment programs and camps for girls. Special focus on ways to overcome bullying.
Betsy Rose - special emphasis on peace, diversity and mindfulness work