All 1200 songs in Rise Again are new — i.e. there is no overlap whatsoever between the songs in our original book Rise Up Singing and those in our sequel Rise Again.

Here are songlists for the Rise Again sorted by: 

You can find similar lists for our earlier songbook Rise Up Singing here.

You can search for individual songs in both Rise Again and in our earlier book Rise Up Singing by title, song genre, or "culture" (ethnic background, language, etc.) in our "Music Box" song title search page on this website. 

To find lists of songs composed or recorded by a specific artist, search by the name of the artist in the search box on upper right corner of each page. If this doesn't work, search for a specific song by that artist and then click on the name of the artist under the "composed by" field on the song page for that song.

You can listen to chapter playlists of many songs in Rise Again on our YouTube channel. New playlists for chapter playlists are being posted all the time. (If you come across broken links, shoot an email to "" or click contact & choose "website" as the category.)

Selection Process: 

It was terrifically challenging to select the songs for this new book!  We considered carefully over 4000 songs to end up with the 1200 that are going in. Many songwriters sent us lists of songs they hoped we could include. We consulted carefully with a large team of musicians & songleaders, initially in 1998-99 and again in 2013 when we reviewed and revised the 1999 tentative list.  We also sought the advice of a number of well-known experts in particular song genres such as blues, jazz, old-timey, bluegrass, British Isles ballads, and songs in specific languages such as Hebrew, Yiddish and Spanish.

We appreciate all the suggestions we received. In the end many terrific songs had to be left out for reasons of space. The final decision as to which songs to include was ours (Annie's and Peter's) as the book's editors.

New Song Genre Chapters:

Rise Again has a large variety of song genres just as Rise Up Singing but has more songs from genres that were not very well-represented in RUS. In many cases these genres now have their own chapters, e.g.:

  • blues
  • country
  • jazz standards
  • early rock 'n roll
  • Motown
  • recent popular & indie songs written after 1995

Here is the full Chapter List for the new book. (Many chapters are the same but there are some differences besides the new song genre chapters.)