We have created festive gift boxes filled with holiday cheer. Also available in other seasons without specific holiday items. All of the gift boxes and bundles are significantly discounted over the individual cost of the items included.
SONGLEADERS' GIFT Bundle includes Guide to Songleading & Communal Siging (e-book), a large copy of Rise Up Singing & Rise Again, a spiral bound copy of If I Had a Hammer: The Seeger Singalong songbook, and "How Can I Keep from Singing" bumper sticker..
SEEGER SONGBOOK COLLECTION Gift Box contains the classic Seeger songbook American Favorite Ballads plus 2 new books the Pete Seeger Centennial Songbook (from TRO-Essex) and a spiral bound If I Had a Hammer: The Seeger Singalong Songbook - plus the our popular "How Can I Keep from Singing" bumper sticker.
(also available as a SEEGER SONGBOOK Bundle — same items as above without a gift box)
"Little Help from My Friends" LITTLE BOOK Gift Box contains a 7x10 copy of Rise Up Singing & Rise Again songbooks, "Home Is Where the Heart Is" bookmark, pack of 5 "Sae Well We Yet" cards & more.
"Big Yellow Taxi" BIG BOOK Gift Box is as above with 9x12 songbooks.