Here are some of our favorite - and best-selling products.
- Our best-selling songbook Rise Up Singing. Hundreds of thousands of copies in print. A mainstay of the folk music community.
- Our 2015 sequel Rise Again - includes 1200 more songs with chapters on Motown, country, blues, Broadway.
- Annie's "Fearless" CD with Mary Witt, celebrating women singers.
- Her "Step by Step" album with Charlie King.
- Have you heard Annie's first recording Deep Roots? Wonderfully simple renditions of songs by Gordon Bok ("Hills of Isle au Haut"), Pete Seeger ("Quite Early Morning"), and John Gorka ("Branching Out"), traditional songs, compositions by Annie & more.
Full list of Annie's CDs.
- We just ordered a bunch of copies of Pete's classic environmental album God Bless the Grass in CD format (as we did earlier with Talking Union). Includes 5 terrific songs written by Malvina Reynolds, along with others by Phil Ochs, Eric Andersen, etc.
- Pete Seeger's Bowdoin College Concert is the most popular of the 20+ Seeger CDs we sell for good reason. The double CD represents a vivid reminder of the magic that Pete created at concerts when his voice was at its peak. (Countless people who've bought this from us tell us how often they listen to it.) Includes Pete introducing the songs and a 24 page booklet.
- Our most popular children's CD is Birds, Beasts, Bugs & Fishes - 28 traditional animal songs - ideal for ages 3-6.
- An amazing gift for a Pete fan is the American Favorite Ballads Box Set - 5 CDs for only $40. Hundreds of our most important traditional folk songs, in beautifully simple renditions - just Pete singing and accompanying himself on banjo or guitar.
Full list of Pete Seeger recordings.
Also: Check out also our organic fair trade Rise Again coffee and sturdy canvas Rise Again tote bags.