We are in the process of organizing a series of workshops and concerts in the first half of 2021. The title is inspired by the prophetic work of Rev. Dr. William Barber II and the Repairers of the Breach.  We are seeking through these events to help repair the breaches between rich and poor, right and left, Indigenous people & colonizers - and also the breaches that exist among all of us as we are unable to sing together physically.

Events scheduled so far:

More are in the works! Watch for details in the coming months on this page and at riseupandsing.org/events


  • can be 60-90 minutes
  • are usually done via Zoom
  • we can prepare songsheets that participants can sing from at home (with their mics muted)
  • we can weave in interactive elements to help us strengthen our sense of connection with each other


  • are usually smaller
  • include more interaction among participants
  • offer more time for talking together in addition to lots of singing


  • are flexible and negotiable
  • routinely include an option for those with limited resources to attend free of charge
  • usually do not involve a guarantee (unless you want to have all particpants be able to take part without fee - such as during a worship service or conference)
  • it is possible to have events be a fund-raiser where a signficant portion goes to a project, organization or faith community you are involved in. (We reaised over $10,000 for Movement Voter Project in our "Sing Out the Vote" concerts last fall.)

Organizational details

  • we can collect sliding scale / "pay as led" payments for the event on our website
  • we can create a special webpage for each event and a flyer that can be used in Facebook posts and emails to potential audience / workshop participants.
  • all you have to do is reach out to people who want to take part!

If you are interested in organizing such an event, contact us at info@riseupandsing.org!