About the Song
What does peace mean? Peace means taking care of (3x)
Ourselves, each other & the earth
Dm - - - / Gm - - - / Dm - - - / - Am Dm -
When we take care of ourselves we get the rest we need
We eat good & healthy food & exercise our bodies
We have lots of fun & we cry when we're sad
We speak up for oursevles if we're upset or mad
Dm - - - / - Gm Am Dm ://
When we take care of each other, we help each other out
We ask each other questions like "What are you sad about?"
We listen to our stories, we take turns in our play
We cheer each other on as we find our own way
When we take care of the earth, we listen to her ways
We plant trees & vegetables, live simply every day
We treasure all her gifts: the air, the sun, the rain
We ride our bikes & turn out lights & we don't throw much away
words & music by Paulette Meier, (c) 1995 by artist. Used by permission.
prompted by the activity in Naomi Drew's book, Learning the Skills of Peacemaking: A K-6 Activity Guide on Resolving Conflict, Communicating, Cooperating, Jaimar Press, rev ed. 1995.
from Meier's album "Come Join the Circle: LessonSongs for Peacemaking".