About the Song
This song was composed by Alec Davison and Tony Biggin. It is part of their oratorio “The Fire & the Hammer” on the life of George Fox. The lyrics are drawn from & inspired by the writings of George Fox.
Wait. Wait. Wait in the stillness.
Wait. Wait. Let the gathering unite.
Wait. Wait. Wait in the silence.
Wait with the children of the Light.
(capo up 3 frets - in 3/4 except as noted)
D Bm Em D (3x) D Bm (1 measure of 4/4) Em7Am (back to 3/4) D -
Come gently to worlds that are new
Surrender yourself and be still:
Abandon your wisdom and will
To die in the silence in you.
At first let your thoughts overflow
When doubts and distractions persist:
Don’t struggle and try to resist
But tenderly learn to let go.
D Em7 D - / Bm - Em - / A - Bm - / G - Asus A
Temptations and troubles appear:
Then sink into that which is pure.
Submit to the things which are sure
And all will be hushed and be clear.
Then that which is evil will melt
And that which is good be upraised;
And shaken you’ll stand so amazed.
The kingdom of Heaven is felt.
The Light is the love that will free;
It lies as the ground of us all.
It shows what can tempt us to fall.
It heals and allows us to be.
(final chorus)
Wait in the Light for the power
Now wait upon God for his peace;
Deep in the heart it will flower
Seed ever seeking release.
D Bm Em D (3x) (ritard) DDF#m BmBmF#m (4/4) EmEm7Bm7Am D
w: Alec Davison, m: Tony Biggin
(c) Alec Davison & Tony Biggin. All rights reserved.