About the Song
(A Seeger Centenary Song)
There’s a voice among our people
Many hearts rise to his call
Weaving golden threads of music
In-to har-mo-nies for all (repeat last 2 lines)
G - D G / C G Em D / Em - C Bm / C G D - / 3rd / C D - G
There’s a lead-er of our chorus
With a voice so soft & sure
He has taught our sons & daughters
Our traditions proud & pure...
There’s a singer of our spirit
Hate surrenders to his ring
Down the rivers, ‘cross the oceans
We together sail & sing
All his brothers & his sisters
Make his music rise & swell
We who sing & add new verses
Are his hammer & his bell
There’s a voice within our people
And forever will it sing
When we raise our rainbow chorus
We can hear our freedom ring
©2019 lyrics William Phillips, music Gordon Bok. All rights reserved. rain_drop26@hotmail.com