Artist & Tune
Version by The Copper Family
Version by The Poozies
Version by Alan Rosevear
Version by kith&kin
Version by Bellowhead
About the Song
You see we brave sailors so cheerful & gay
Since we've learned a new act to drive sorrows away
Sorrows away (3x)
Since we've learned a new act to drive sorrows away
Bright Phoebe awaits so high up in the sky
With her red rosy cheeks & sparkling eye
(as above)
If you ask for my credit you will find I have none
With my bottle & friends you will find me at home...
Although I'm not rich & although I'm not poor
I'm as happy as those that's got thousands or more...
- traditional English song
The song is usually sung a cappella but here is an approximation of the chords to help learn the song:
D A D A / D A DAA D / D - - A / D G DDA D
There is a transcription of the tune on the Mudcat Cafe link for the song
Collected from the Copper Family. On their Write Me Down and their A Song for Every Season albums. About the album:\
To listen to this track (which is entitled "Thousands or More") go to page for the above album on YouTube. In the notes under the album scroll down to the song (at 1:16) and click on the link.