First Line: 
If I love you all my days


About the Song

Pat & Sandy first recorded this on their 2011 Revolutions Per Minute album.

If I love you all my days
Would it be so strange
If it stood in sharp contrast
To all the bad news swirling round
C G F C  F C G - / C G F C G - - - / Am - G - / C - F - G - - -

We can take in just so much
We forget to touch
Then we pause for a moment
In the eye of the storm
There is calm

Let me be your shelter
You can come and rest
Let me be your shelter
You can come and rest in me
G - F C / G - F - / G - F C / G - F G C - 

In the time that we have now
We are learning how
To seek sanctuary
Wherever we are
In this love

- Pat Humphries (c) 2011 Moving Forward Music. All rights reserved. Used by permission.