Annie has sung for over 30 years with a Swing trio that features the fabulous 3 part harmonies of Wendi Bourne, Lauren Janson and Annie Patterson. The band was first known as Big Nite Out and later became Girls from Mars. They have performed widely at swing dances, music festivals, weddings, clubs as well as the Augusta Heritage Festival. You can read more about Girls from Mars on their website here.

Hep Cat Holiday is the trio's first recording only offered on cassette. It is more acoustic than The Savage In Me, and contains more of the Cats N the Fiddle songs featured on Planet Swing. There are 2 original swing tunes by Wendi Bourne on this recording.  Musicians include: Wendi, Annie, and Lauren, Jeff Sarli on bass, Tom Mitchell on guitar, plus a few wonderful side musicians on trumpet and piano. A very energetic & fun recording! 

Song list

  1. Hep Cat Holiday - Herbie Miles
  2. Vote for Mister Rhythm - Ella Fitzgerald
  3. Gumbe - from Ronny Butler
  4. When I Get Low, I Get High - Marion Sunsine
  5. Chasing Shadows
  6. I'm Singin' - Tiny Grimes
  7. Everybody Loves My Baby - from Fats Waller
  8. Nothin' - from Cat's & the Fiddle
  9. Rhythm Town - Wendi Bourne
  10. Tell Me Where It Is - June Drucker
  11. Caffine - Wendi Bourne