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Annie Patterson is performing in a singalong concert to build community, hope, and resilience in challenging times. She will be accompanied by Wendi Bourne of Girls from Mars. Tickets will be available at the door.
Annie has led over thirty concerts during the past year celebrating the centennial of Pete Seeger's birth.
The audience will be invited to join their voices with Annie and Wendi's using Annie's songbook Rise Again. Copies of the songbook will be available to borrow or buy at the concert.
Annie will also perform or lead some songs off her two most recent recordings: "Step by Step" (with Charlie King) and "Fearless: Celebrating Women Singers" (with Mary Witt).
This concert is a benefit for Earth Quaker Action Team (EQAT) and other local climate work.
Tickets are available now online on this page. (If you buy a ticket online, your name will be on a "will call" list at the door.) You can also make buy tickets at the door for a suggested donation of $20. (Be generous! Be affordable!) No one turned away for lack of funds. Under 18 admitted for free.