Primary Song Genres: 

Dane (b. 1927) is an American folk, blues & jazz singer.

She frequently performed with African American artists & was praised by many of them for her work. She was praised in Ebony magazine for her authentic blues work:

She has also been one of the most seminal musician activists since the 1960s. She founded Paredon Records with her activist former husband Irwin Silber (editor of Sing Out! Magazine from 1951-67 & the founder of Oak Books). 

The NY Times published a 2021 article on her life work: "Barbara Dane's Life of Defiance & Song"

A new feature-length documentary on Dane's life & work, "The Nine Lives of Barbara Dane" is in production & needs crowd-funding support.


Songs Composed

It Isn't Nice RUS: Freedom p. 61
Working Class Woman

Songs recorded or performed